R. Estrañero Solution

Solutions to Reduce Your Fuel Consumption Part 2

By: Rodelio T. Estrañero

Reducing your fuel consumption is as simple as changing your driving habits. Here are some tips to reduce your fuel consumption and give your passengers a smoother ride. By focusing on inertia and the importance of traveling light, we use science to argue the importance of a smooth ride.
1.    Brake the right way.
- anticipate when things will slow down and you can ease off the gas. This means you won't lose all that power to friction (on the brakes) and you can keep your speed without having to accelerate. In heavy traffic this is the most efficient way to save gas and can easily get you 10% - 20% better gas mileage.
2.    Turn off your air condition
-If you can bear the heat, you can turn off the air condition. Air condition use more gas if on.
3.    Turn your car off
-When the car is idling, it uses a fixed amount of gas over a period of time (especially with the AC on).
In most scenarios (depending on the car), the energy balance will be positive if you turn off your car for more then 20 seconds.
That means you can save gas if you turn off you car while waiting at long traffic light sequences
4.    Driver slower
-it's a proven fact that driving fast will increase the drag (turbulence) and thus increase your fuel consumption. So drive slower = less gas consumption
5.    Use smaller car
- A small car always has a better fuel economy due to its smaller mass.
6.    Air filters
-Replace your air filter when you need to, or your mix won't be right. However don't replace it every time the mechanics tell you to (they make money with it). Try to find out how often you need a new filter.
7.    Pick a better route
-Avoid heavy traffic and lots of traffic lights. The shortest route is not always the most fuel efficient if you have to stop a lot.
8.    Reduce drag
- Why are you driving around with that ski-, bicycle- or luggage-rack on your roof if you don't need it? Didn't you know that this increases the wind resistance of your car? Well now you do. Seriously, removing those will save you quite a bit of gasoline. 
9.    Park your car in shade
-Believe it or not, when you park your car in the shade, you also reduce the amount of fuel that evaporates. 
10. Manual Transmission
- If you have a manual transmission and want to save some gas, you need to shift up early and shift down late.
11. Close your windows
- Believe it or not, but opening your windows will increase the turbulences and eventually cost you fuel. If you can, use only the ventilation system of your car. We believe that opening your windows at low speeds and using the air conditioner at high speeds gives you better fuel economy.
            These are just some simple ways in reducing your fuel consumptions. Visit ~http://lifehacker.com/278582/29-ways-to-reduce-your-fuel-usage ~ for more information.

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